Phrases - states For Whatsapp

by APP-6


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Phrases and states for whatsapp, share and use social networks. If you know that you no longer put in your state and how to surprise your friends this appIt will help because it contains all kinds of original sentences for whatsapp or wherever you want to use ( facebook, twtter, line, messenger.....) . Copy and paste directly in whatsapp or any other application that your selections.With a very simple interface shares these states to whatsapp from these topics:
States of loveFriendship quotesChristmas phrasessad quotesPretty States whatsappStates menPhrases for women, girls!smart quotesSentences of lifePhrases joke
Also, if you activate the reminder, every day will surprise you with a new phrase when you tell us. Enables notification!
FREE! Now you will not have excuses to renew your thoughts and plotted on whatsapp, facebook, twitter, Snapchat, Instagram ... accompanies your imagesalso with our best inspirations!
By using this APP you understand that states and phrases cited herein correspond to their respective owners and these are collected from Internet Public domain.Whatsapp is protected by WhatsApp Inc and has nothing to do with this APP.